Monday, April 25, 2011

New beginnings

While it's sunny and warming up outside, I'm working on a new project this morning. It will be good for my knitter's spirit... Yesterday, I've had a little "adventure" with my now almost completed Thermal...

While my first Thermal that was a little too small did not enlarge a bit when I blocked it two years ago, my second Thermal who fitted just as I had planned expanded like I had read about but never seen with my own eyes! I initially thought it was pretty funny to see such long sleeves and body, but then, thinking about all the time invested in it, I thought it might not be "that" funny :-(

Could the "expansion" be due to the fact that I went up from 3.0mm to 4.0mm needles and kept the same yarn? Maybe my tension is looser now as well...

Anyways, it went to the dryer (within a pillow case - what a great trick! - as advised by my smart friend Audrey) and now it continues to dry. It's not so big anymore so I have hope. We'll see when it's completely dry how it fits...

So last night, I finally casted on a cute pair of socks. These colors say "Easter", "spring" and "summer"! The pattern is Muscari. Quite interesting to knit!

Now, I'll head outside! It's so nice and sunny. It will be quite warm, finally, this afternoon!


  1. Congrats on a successful trip to the dryer. You are so brave!

    And the sock is sure cute.

  2. ¡Buena suerte con el Thermal y la secadora!
    Los calcetines realmente son de primavera, qué colores tan bonitos.

    ¡Que pases un feliz día!

  3. Super joli projet de cho7!!! J'aime vraiment la couleur! Et que ferait-on sans notre super Audrey n'est-ce pas? J'espère que le Thermal sera bel et bien terminé après le séchage!!

  4. Oh dear! I sure hope your Thermal shrinks back to the right size!
    That's quite a lovely sock you are working on too.

  5. Quelles belles couleurs ! J'aime également le patron. Je suis à découvrir ton blog que je trouve très intéressant. Je t'ai ajouté dans mes liens.

  6. Oh, those are so pretty already!! what a gorgeous colourway.

  7. So very sorry about your second Thermal :( I do hope the dryer trick worked!

    At least you have a sweet new project to cheer you up :) I love those colors. So very springy! I'll have to check out the Muscari pattern on Ravelry. I have Muscari in my own garden and it would be fun to have a pair of socks to remind me of them :)

  8. Tu as mis le doigt sur le bobo Maryse. Ton Thermal a pris de l'expansion parce que chaque maille était plus espacée de 1mm que celles de ton pull initial. Les mailles plus lâches vont ainsi s'étirer sur la longueur sous le poids du tricot, chose qui ne se voit pas quand on tricote un petit échantillon. Comme la Yarn Harlot l'a déjà dit "swatches are dirty liars". Je suis certaine qu'il te va quand même à merveille :)

  9. Nice blog!.
    Regards from Chile.
