Wednesday, June 11, 2014

FO: Baby Vertebrae

It is going to be a short post :-)  My beautiful baby girl is sleeping and mommy wants to do the same thing!

Still, I wanted to update my blog and post about a little gift I made while looking after my daughter when she was learning to be on her belly :-)

It was a rather quick knit for the first baby of one of my knitter friend!  It's a boy!  I'm glad I could make it - it was sent I think two weeks after he was born! 

It is a little larger than the pattern and shorter too.  I thought the vest looked better that way!

See my project page on Ravelry.

I have about half of the Little Oak knitted. 

I also started some leg warmers for my daughter!  I don't really follow a pattern for them.  We will see if they fit.  If not, it is really easy to start again.  Let me know if you know of any well fitting leg warmers for a 9-12 months baby in fingering weight!

I hope you are all doing well and I'm really glad if you are still reading :-) 

Have a beautiful rest of the week! xx


  1. That is such a sweet little sweater. The child who gets to wear that is quite lucky!

  2. Una chaqueta muy bonita. Seguro que a la mamá del bebé le ha gustado mucho. :-)
    ¡Descansa y disfruta de tu hija!

  3. Beautiful knit, Maryse. Hope you were able to get in a little sleep for yourself.

  4. What a sweet little cardi Maryse!

  5. I know i'm a little late but: congratulations on your baby girl!
    The cardigan is really cute. Did you finish the legwarmers?

  6. Hacia tiempo que no me pasaba por aqui, seguro que tu entiendes bien los motivos :)
    Espero que la nena y tu estén genial y disfruten muchísimo este primer verano juntas.
    Un abrazo enorme!!!!!!!
