Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Neoknits shawlette!

I just found out that I won the newest pattern of Neoknits Shawlette! What do you think? Isn't it a gorgeous shawlette?

There was a context this week to find a name for her new and gorgeous summer pattern. My suggestion (Océane) is in the top 3!

The suggested yarn is Hand Maiden Double Sea. I have never knit with this yarn before. It looks so luxuous and brilliant...

I will be going to Montreal this Thursday. Something tells me I will buy the yarn and start the project very soon. After all, I'm on vacation and I deserve it! Sorry current WIPs...

I just wanted to share my joy!


  1. Je savais que c'était toi lorsque j'ai lu "Maryse"! Bravo! Océane... joli nom. Ça donne le goût de le tricoter. J'ai justement le goût d'un châle en ces temps plus que frisquets!

  2. Le fil est en spécial au Mouliné à 22,80$.

  3. Cool! Bravo! J'ai hate qu'il sorte moi aussi ce modele je compte bien en faire un aussi ;) en an double sea..humm! Bon shopping ;)

  4. congrats! Just send your email address to neoknits@yahoo.com and I'll get the pattern right out to you!

  5. Congratulations!! I couldn't think of a nicer person to win this prize :) Can't wait to see what yarn you choose.....

    Have a wonderful time in Montreal!


  6. Muy chulo el patron que ganaste, habra que ver que tal con la lana que pide.
