Sunday, October 4, 2009


It got pretty cold over here this week! And days are getting shorter so fast. There has also been a lot of rain...

But, this morning, I thought that such weather was a good excuse for me to take a bit of time to knit and well, get ready for those colder times!

First, I swatched for Fetching. I think these fingerless gloves will be gorgeous in that yarn and they should feel very soft. I will have to order new dpns which is perfect because I'm pretty sure that I will also need new circular needles for Bliss.

Then, I decided to cast on for the second Handsome Mitten! It will make me feel good to finish this pair of mittens before I start Fetching. And I think I will be able to knit a Handsome Scarf ;-) with the remaining yarn!

Have a great week!


  1. À ce que je vois, tu as plein de projets!

  2. L'automne t'inspire;) De beaux projets pour te tenir au chaud ;)

  3. N'est-ce pas que le Bliss est joli et accrocheur? Bon choix!

  4. Es que los handsome mitten son preciosos!
