Sunday, August 15, 2010

Visit chez Biscotte & Cie

I'm on vacation. Finally. For two weeks ;-)

It was a rather ordinary weekend. Yesterday, it was awesome outside so I worked around the house! Today is a little rainy so I went to Biscotte & Cie for the first time. Wait... it was not an ordinary weekend because it's not followed by an ordinary Monday ;-)

Back to my little escapade to Biscotte & Cie... This LYS is simply charming! Unfortunately, it's not close to where I live. However, when you are on - did I mention it already - vacation, it's fine to drive a little bit further to get some nice yarn!

The service is also great. It's important for me because I still don't master the art of substitution... I also met a lady who leaves on the North Shore and gave her our coordinates for knit nights!

So, after looking and admiring and touching, I decided to go with what follows...

Super Bambou in a gorgeous blend of gray, blue, yellow and green. I think the colorway is Empereur:

I would like to knit Jaywalker socks with it. Isn't it yummy?

Then, the Precieux in a gorgeous pink:

I would like to knit a simple yet beautiful scarf with it: Golden Peaks and Valleys designed by Janet D. Russel (Twisted knitter). Maybe I will rename it Blooming Peaks and Valleys!

Finally, little buttons for guess what? It's almost all knit. Finishing time...

I hope you all have a great week! I know I will...

ETA: Better pictures... Discovered this morning that my camera was in the wrong mode and explained why the previous pictures looked so sort of fake...


  1. Both yarns are gorgeous! I think that pink yarn would be fabulous for the Peaks and Valleys scarf.

  2. I hope you have a wonderful vacation & do lots of fun things. The yarns are gorgeous I am a huge fan or variegated so the first one caught my eye lol. The buttons are going to look great on the Cardigan.

  3. De beaux achats :) Tu as presque été sage. hi!hi! dur dur de résister! J'aime bien la phrase: ce n'est pas un W-e ordinaire pcq c'est suivi par un lundi de congé hi!hi! Alors profites-en bien!

  4. Oooh, the yarn looks great!! the buttons are wonderfully classic, I think you made a good choice.

  5. oh j'adore le rose!! Et le foulard choisi, vraiment un beau choix. J'espère que tu as passé une belle semaine de vacances!! À bientôt! Pour ma part, il m'en reste une dernière.

  6. Oooooh, that pink will make a gorgeous scarf!!

