Monday, January 17, 2011

My blog is 2 years old... and a contest!

Yes, already! It's great because with my secret projects, it's a good occasion to post and ask a question that is of particular interest to me!

First, the contest. I'm so original that I'm having the exact same contest as last year! I have to say that I've been looking forward to it for a few weeks now! The prize will be a pattern given to you through the Ravelry gifting feature. If you win, I will "gift" you the pattern that you will select (up to $7) on Ravelry. Hence, it's a contest for Raverly members (if you're not, you should join now; it's free!) and the pattern has to be available through the Ravelry gifting feature.

To participate, all you have to do is leave a comment at the end of this post. The question this year is (a little strange at this time of the year!): do you knit as much in the summer as in the winter? Personally, I almost don't knit in the summer. I'd like to change that, so maybe reading your comments will give me ideas to change that!

You have to comment before midnight (EST) Friday night, January 21, 2011 to enter in the contest. There will be one random winner! I’ll announce the winner before Sunday, January 23, 2011.

Second, I'd like to show you the beautiful cardigan that the winner of my first blog anniversary contest knitted: Debbie Bliss - Drop collar cabled jacket. It was completed just a few days ago. The color is beautiful and it looks so warm and comfortable. I wonder what will come out of this year's contest!

Finally, I want to tell you all that it is always a pleasure when you visit whether you leave comments or not! We are a great community and it is awesome to be in touch!


  1. I love this idea for a giveaway! I do knit in the summer as much as I do in the winter, I just love it too much to stop. I've even knit at the beach once. There's always a cool corner to sneak off to and knit. The fact that summers are getting more unpredictable than ever, with cold snaps here and there, also helps.

  2. ¡Qué original tu sorteo! ¡Me gusta! Aunque iba a felicitarte por tus dos años de blog de todas formas. ¡Felicidades!

    Yo tejo menos en verano, aquí donde vivo solemos tener 35C y no apetece tejer. En el 2010 lo que hice fue bordar a punto de cruz pero también me daba calor. Aprovecha el verano para tejer, tú que vives en Canadá. ;-)

  3. I knit during the summer but I only work on small items...hats, mittens, scarves, etc. I don't know that I would work on an afghan or sweater though!
    BTW: Great idea for a giveaway!

  4. I probably knit somewhat less in the summer. I normally opt for smaller projects - shawls and socks then. And by mid-July I start thinking of fall sweaters, which gives another boost to knitting in the heat. And once the fall comes, the sweater is finished. :)

  5. Happy anniversary!!! I do knit in the summer...I love knitting at the beach, I try to do light weight portable projects!

  6. Happy Blogiversary!

    I do knit as much in the summer as I do in the winter because of one thing in particular - air conditioning! Minnesota summers are so very hot that if it weren't for AC I would most likely not knit. While traveling in the car, or being out in the light from that big thing in the sky I usually knit scarves (for upcoming Christmas gifts) that I roll up as I knit (think of a roll of toilet paper) or socks. Socks are usually small enough on the needles that they don't hold in too much more heat against my body.

  7. Happy Blogversary..I wish you many more happy blogging years. I knit about the same during both Summer & Winter the only time it would vary is if I am outside in the heat I am less likely to want to knit but I am never to cold to knit.

    Thank you for hosting a great giveaway.

  8. Hi,
    what a nice idea for a giveaway. I knit as much in summer as in winter, Ithink. I try to start off with Christmas presents during summer, and of course the new cardi of the year for the kids.
    Thank you,
    ravelry: sakni

  9. Wow, congratulations your 2-year old blog! I don't knit much in the summer either. Mainly because it is so hot here in Texas and also I think because the daylight lasts so long into the evening that I feel like I should be doing something outside.
    What a great giveaway! I'm going to have to use your idea this year for my blogiversary.

  10. Congrats on your 2 year blogaversary.

    I knit all year long, but I must say that my projects go from chunky wool hat and scarves to light lacy projects in the summer. I just can't put it down for the summer since the summer in Texas is about 6 months long!

  11. Love a good contest Maryse! Thank you for offering it. Gives me some ideas for mine that is approaching in March. :)
    Okay so do I knit as much in the summer. Ironically I knit more in the summer. For some reason the winter- I seem consumed with the holidays and family, so I don't get as much accomplished. But I do seem to knit a lot of winter things in the summer.

  12. Slowly getting back to the knitting world :) I kniw as much during the summer as in the winter, absolutely. I knit ALL the time, it's good for my sanity!

  13. What a fun giveaway!

    I definitely slow down on my knitting during the summer. It seems to me that I knit in the winter and sew in the summer. It is funny how that works out!

  14. Happy Anniversary,What a great idea for a prize! Yes I knit all year round and try to knit with thinner yarn in the summer...I just love it to much to stop!
    A friend in PEI

  15. Haaaaa! Je n'avais pas vu que tu avais posté!!! Juste à temps...! Donc, oui je tricote autant l'été, c'est seulement la nature du projet qui change. Je tricote l'été ce qui se porte l'été, ce qui fait en sorte que souvent je ne le termine jamais l'été! Donc je le reprend l'été suivant quand l'inspiration du tricot-été revient. En fait, si je pouvais, je tricoterais tout le temps! Je devrais travailler dans une guérite de stationnement... je pourrais tricoter toute la journée... j'y pense! lol!
    Et c'est toujours plaisant te lire chère Maryse!!
