Monday, May 23, 2011

Nice day to knit

Just a quick note to let you know that I'm still here although I haven't knitted much since my last post. A few repeats of my Muscari first sock and I've finished the exterior of the first Douglas mitten (there will be a lining inside). I hope I can proceed to the provisional cast-on this morning and complete it since it was the most time-consuming part for the first mitten.

I'm very happy with the way I picked up the stitches for the thumb gusset. I found this video on YouTube and it worked very well. I just picked 3 stitches between the held stitches as indicated in the pattern and it worked perfectly and there is no holes!

Have a great week everyone!


  1. Cute! It is so nice when you can overcome a thumb gusset.

  2. Lining the mittens?? That sounds like a lot of work, but I can't wait to see it!! I'm sure the mittens keep the hands so warm! Be sure to take pictures :)

  3. Cette mitaine est très belle, autant les couleurs que le motif ! J'aime vraiment comment tu as tricoté le pouce.

    YouTube est une source incroyable d'infos, j'y vais souvent quand je commence un nouveau point ou une nouvelle façon de faire.

    Les mitaines seront doublées ? J'ai bien hâte de voir le résultat final.

  4. Mitaine, mitaine! Hâte de les voir terminées et portées!! ha ha ha!!! Elles sont vraiment belles en passant! Très beau choix de couleurs, très "masculin" dirais-je même!

  5. These are looking quite lovely

  6. Finally knitting socks! :) The mitten is looking great, by the way. Thank God for YouTube, eh?
