Saturday, October 15, 2011

Socktoberfest and new yarn!

Happy automn dear knitting friends!

There will be at least two posts in October on my blog ;-)  This one and the one when I will hopefully show you my finished Jaywalkers!  I've decided to participate to Socktoberfest 2011. My "challenge" is to finish these socks in October.  Nothing extraordinary but it will be motivating for me to have a deadline!

After the socks will be completed - by the way, I love knitting them! - I will start a secret gift!  I will only show you the yarn I bought for it.  Yes, as I'm thinking a lot about the people who are at Rhinebeck this weekend, I decided I would have my own little knitting escapade by going to Espace Tricot.  This store located in Montreal is so nice!  The people are so helpful.  They even let us use their IPad to look up patterns and yarns.  I think it's pretty up to date!  There is also a space if you want to sit down and knit!  They have magazines, buttons, and mostly many very nice yarns!  I really recommand that you go if you live near or visit Montreal!

Here is my new acquisition.  It is Spud & Chloë Sweater.  The colorways are amazing or said differently, difficult to choose from ;-)

I was also very happy to find gift tags from the talented Knitterella.  I've been eyeing them for quite a while!

And finally, look at the little buttons I found!  Aren't they cute?  I think I must have chosen them so that they brighten up these rainy days that we are having!  Note that the trees have amazing colors these days over here!  The other day, I was on the highway and could not stop admiring their beauty!

I'm so excited!  Isn't fun to buy new yarn and related items?   Okay, I have to go now... for some Socktoberfest work!  Enjoy the weekend everyone!


  1. ho wow!! C'est vraiment joli! Les boutons, ça donne le goût de Noël non? Je dois vraiment aller visiter cette boutique...!

  2. What a cute blog post! I love the gift tags and buttons! I am a big fan of S&C, I think they are great for everything, especially baby clothes! Have fun with the socks, cant wait to see them :)

  3. Yeah Socktoberfest. I think that is the prefect goal. I can't wait to see your jaywalkers!
    I haven't tried S&C yet. There are so many colors to choose from.
    Those buttons are instant love!

  4. Les boutons sont adorables! Je prévois aller faire un tour chez Espace Tricot un de ces jours, j'ai juste entendu des bons commentaires.

    Bon Socktober!


  5. Tu me donnes le goût de sortir de mon île et de serpenter autour des cônes oranges pour aller faire un tour dans cette boutique ! J'ai bien hâte de voir tes bas terminés. Je n'ai pas eu l'occasion de te le dire mais je les trouvais très beaux quand tu les tricotais à la soirée tricot. :-)

  6. Those buttons are so cute! Do you have a project in mind for them?
