Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Preparing for 2012

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas!  I did!  We celebrated Christmas Eve at my cousin's cabin and spent Christmas relaxing at my brother's.  Magical!

I don't know if I've mentionned it here, but although I learned knitting again from Knitting for dummies and the internet, I surely inherited the gene of knitting and patience from my mom!  Every week, she comes to my blog to see if there is something new and we talk about it over the phone (my parents still live in the little town where I grew up and it is a few hours from where I live now).  She will be surprised to see something she's made this time!  Funny fact: I totally get the "frogging and re-knitting satisfaction" from my mom ;-)

My mom is a smart lady and for Christmas, she bought some beautiful kits and made three of these scarves in one week: one in gray tones for my sister, one in pink tones for my SIL and one in blue tones (of course!) for me!  I'm not sure how it is done exactly, but these were fun and mindless projects for my mom and I can really appreciate that she gave us something crafty for Christmas!

As for me, as mentionned in the title of this post, I'm resisting casting on a new project in order to prepare for 2012.  The lovely Andi from My sister's knitter gifted me a beautiful pattern that I've always loved since the time it was released: Andrea's shawl.  Although I'm tempted to knit with the same colors as the original pattern (as I very often do when I pick a pattern), I'm almost decided on making it blue and without stripes with the beautiful skein of Malabrigo yarn also gifted by Andi-my-kntting-fairy ;-)  Thank you again Andi!

So here are my knitting goals for the near future: 

1. Finish the Douglas mittens.  I've just finished this morning the lining of mitten number one!
2. Cast on for Andrea's shawl if it arrives before the first package of the yarn club I suscribed to in 2012.
3. Cast on for the first project of TFA's Year in Color. I am so looking forward to it!

This is probably the last post of the year for me!  Take care and see you in 2012!  xx


  1. Andrea's shawl is a really fun knit. I found the stripes made it go by really quickly.

  2. Your mom is so sweet! I cant believe she made three! Andrea's shawl is so pretty, cant wait to see pictures of it from you. Happy new year :)

  3. Mwah! Merry Christmas my friend. Everyone needs a knitting fairy. :) I know whatever you choose to knit the Andrea shawl with it will be gorgeous!
    Love the scarves your mom knit. Ironically a lady at work knit this same scarf this year and it looked fantastic!

  4. Felices Fiestas, Maryse!! Que comiences el año con mucha ilusión para afrontar todos tus proyectos -tejeriles y no-. Besos.

  5. Que ta mère est gentille ! Trois foulards en une semaine ! Elle est très productive. J'espère que tu pourras tenir tes résolutions de début d'année concernant le tricot ! :-)

  6. Hon, tu t'es inscrite pour le club de Tanis en 2012. J'suis super jalouse ! Poste plein de photos ! :)
