Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Happy Blogyversary to me and a contest!

My blog is already three years old.  It's not a baby anymore!  I am so glad I have this blog!  I meet some terrific people through this space and this is such a great way to share what we love!  It is also a great source of inspiration and motivation to see what each one of you creates.  It is so special to show to people from everywhere in the world what each one of us create, isn't it?

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to all of you who come here on a regular basis and also to those of you who drop by every now and then!  It means a lot to me and it is truly amazing to get to know you better!  Some of you have become true friends.  I have to say it is unexpected and very touching at once!

All of this to say that...  I think this is going to become a tradition.  On my blogyversary, I like to gift a pattern via Ravelry!  Here are the results of the past two years.

Blogyversary 1: made by Brin dans le vent

 Blogyversary 2: made by Knitting lemonade

Aren't they both gorgeous?  I will have the same contest again this year because, I think it is a lot of fun and I look forward to see what the winner will choose!

The prize will be a pattern given to you through the Ravelry gifting feature. If you win, I will "gift" you the pattern that you will select (up to $7) on Ravelry. Hence, it's a contest for Raverly members (if you're not, you should join now; it's free!) and the pattern has to be available through the Ravelry gifting feature.

To participate, all you have to do is leave a comment at the end of this post. The question this year is threefold (after all, this is my third year blogyversary!):  1. What is your favorite weight of yarn?  2. Do you like solid, semi-solid or variagated colors?  3. What is your favorite color?

You have to comment before midnight (EST) Friday night, January 20, 2012 to enter in the contest. There will be one random winner!  I’ll announce the winner before Sunday, January 22, 2012.

Thank you again for visiting!


  1. ¡Felicidades por tu tercer aniversario! El tiempo pasa muy rápido.
    1. Mi peso de lana favorito es "lace", me gustan las lanas finitas.
    2. Prefiero los colores jaspeados (variegated) a los lisos (solid).
    3. El verde, sin duda.
    Feliz año nuevo y que cumplas muchos más.

  2. Congratulations! My favorite weight of yarn is probably fingering weight. I definitely prefer solid or tonal yarns, and my favorite color is aqua!

  3. Wheee, I think I started following y ou for your last bloggiversary! :)

    My fave weight is fingering, I love semi-solids, and my favourite colours keep changing...

  4. ¡Feliz Cumple-blog, Maryse! Creo que éste es uno de los sorteos más divertidos en los que he participado :)

    1. Me gusta tejer con grosores finos/medios: fingering, dk, worsted. Aunque también me fascinan los lace.

    2. No tengo preferencia por los colores sólidos o degradados. Elijo unos u otros en función de la prenda.

    3. Mi color favorito: el morado! aunque también me gusta el verde...


  5. Congratulations on 3 years!

    1 - I'm torn between Fingering and Sport weight. I love the look of small stitches. Ironically I think I have more worsted in my stash than anything else ;)

    2 - Depending upon the project I'm either a solid or semi-solid person. I don't care much for variegated unless I like all the shades and they are looong stripes.

    3 - Currently emerald or basic green. I can't seem to get enough of it in my wardrobe.

  6. Happy Blogyversary!

    1)I love sport weight yarn. It always feels like "home" when I'm knitting with it.

    2) Solid or semi-solid so that I can see the stitch pattern

    3) My favorite color changes from day to day, but today it's green. :)

  7. Happy anniversary!!! it's a great accomplishment for a blog to reach 3 years old. I think my favorite weight is dk because it still knits up pretty fast without being as bulky as worsted. I definitely go for solids for garments but crazy variagated for socks! my favorite color is currently plum.

  8. Happy Blogaversary!

    1. I love sock weight or fingering weight yarn! (mmm, knitting socks....)

    2. I use variegated more often, but it really depends on the pattern. some variegated yarns just dont do a pattern justice.

    3. my absolute favorite color is Blue!

  9. Yay! I love my hat. Happy Blogyversary again. Where did the year go?

    1. I think I like good ole standard worsted. Or DK too.
    2. Definitely solid.
    3. I tend to be really drawn to blues. But as you can see from my hat, I like all colors.

  10. Happy blog anniversary! Many more years to come, filled with beautiful yarn and smooth needles!

    1. Worsted weight is my favorite. It knits up quickly but doesn't hurt my hands.

    2. Solid mostly, but sometimes a nice semisolid is good also.

    3. Blue is my all time favorite, mostly lighter shades or turquoise / petrol.

  11. Congratulations on three years! I've just recently discovered your blog, and I'm really enjoying it.

    To answer your questions:
    1. It's a toss-up between fingering and sport weight. At this moment I'm leaning toward fingering.
    2. I really love semi-solid yarns.
    3. My favorite color is purple.

  12. Yeah to three years my friend. I will drink a pint in honor of your blogiversary! :)

    Heh- weight of yarn-Fingering
    Lately I seem more attracted to solids
    favorite color- Rich dark pink, or any pink.

    Cheers to many more years of this wonderful blog!

  13. Hiii c'est moi sur ton blogue!!

    C'est trop cool de voir qu'on te répond en différentes langues, d'autant plus que maintenant tu vas même pouvoir répondre en italien!! T'es TROP bonne!!
    Je participe encore donc:
    Mon fil? J'aime fingering jusqu'à DK. C'est le maintien en main, plus facile. Faut toujours que ce soit facile!
    La couleur? ça peut chamoirer un peu... mais pas trop! Les mélanges qui font très joli sur la balle ne donne pas toujours des projets heureux - on n'a qu'à penser aux grany squares!!
    Ma couleur favorite? Roooooose!!! Parce que j'aime voir la vie en rose!!
    Bonne bloguanniversaire!!

  14. Congrats! Im so glad you are part of this community, its good to have you :) my favorite weight is probably DK, definitely love solids and duh! Pink!! Lol :) happy bday to anyone can knit!

  15. Happy Blogyversary! May you have many more years of happy blogging.

    As for the questions...
    1. At the moment I have been favoring fingering weight yarn, but I love worsted weight as well.
    2. My favorite yarns are somewhere in between solid and semi-solid. I love solid yarns that have depth to them.
    3. My favorite color is always changing. But I gravitate towards blue.

  16. Happy anniversary! As for the answers, it's hard to decide but I'd say fingering weight since I seem to always gravitate towards it! I love semi solids, but am a dickering for self striping yarns for socks! As for the coulour, green or mustard yellow!

    Sherry (tinythings on ravelry)

  17. quelle belle façon de souligner un anniversaire! j'aime bien ton blogue, il est comme toi, bien sympathique.
    1- poids favori? mon cerveau dira worsted, mon stash fingering. c'est un dilemme constant!
    2-j'aime les solids pour les câbles, les semi-solids (ou les tonals) pour la dentelle et les variegated (qui m'attirent toujours mais ne sont pas tjrs pratiques!) pour les chaussettes. y'a de quoi se satisfaire dans chaque projet.
    3-ma couleur favorite? le vert (comme dans croustillant et printanier), les couleurs que je tricote le plus souvent? orange (pour les chaussettes!) et violet. je ne suis pas très cohérente en matière de couleur, j'en ai bien peur!

  18. Happy Anniversary. My favorite weight of yarn is Fingering.

    I am a lover of variegated yarns but I am trying to let some solids & semi-solids in every now & then.

    I like alot of colors but I think I would have to say Grey & Black are my favorite colors.

  19. Congratulations on three years!

    My favourite yarn is fingering weight, semi-solid, and (this is the toughest to choose), right now, probably dark brown.

  20. Congratulations!! That is such a stunning and fantastic achievement! I'm so very glad you have been blogging this long and that we've been able to get to know each other over so much time :)

    A contest! How much fun is that? My answers:

    1. Favorite weight of yarn? That would have to be worsted or DK, though you wouldn't know it to see my stash. It's almost all fingering/sock weight stuff! I like those middle of the road weights for all purpose stuff like sweaters, mittens, and hats though :)

    2. Semi-Solids are probably my favorites, though I do love self-striping sock yarns.

    3. Favorite color? It's a toss up between Purple and Green!

    Thanks so much for having a wonderful contest and congratulations again on your Bloggyversary! Here's to many more :)
