Saturday, March 31, 2012


First, I want to say thank you to all of you who visit and leave some comments!  I really enjoy reading them!

Today, we are having a wonderful day in the Montreal area.  It is so sunny!  I worked a little bit around the house and then, I went jogging!  It really cheers me up!

The seeds I planted last week are starting to grow.  I did not plant too many: a few tomatoes, morning glories and a few herbs (basil, parsley, peppers, etc.)  So fun to look at them every day!

We received our second shipment of the TFA Year in Color 2012 a week ago and guess what is the name of the color?  Sprout!  It is so perfect for this time of the year.  It is a very nice light green with little touches of purple and even little red dots!

I will be doing another KAL with my friend Chantal.  I will let you what we chose to knit in another post.  Can you guess what it is?  Hum, you are very good if you can guess ;-)

By the way, visit Brin dans le vent to see how she styled the Georgia's Sleeves that we knit with the January yarn.  I love it!  Even better than worn as... sleeves ;-)

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Well I for one love reading your blog! Your little seedlings are looking great! You will be cooking with them in no time. I cannot wait to see what you are going to knit with your new yarn, for some reason I'm guessing a shawl!

  2. I always love reading your blog!
    Sounds like a beautiful day in your parts. Love all the gardening.
    I can't wait to see what you girls end up knitting with your new yarn!
    Have a great weekend.

  3. Hola Maryse! Debe ser muy satisfactorio comer verduras que uno mismo ha cultivado. Enhorabuena por esas plantitas que empiezan a germinar! :) Ya nos contarás... Buen finde!!

  4. Little red dots? Like ladybugs? That seems like a cute yarn.
    And you are knitting garter stitch. Although I have no idea what the garter stitch will be. I can't wait to see.

  5. Hahah! What a cute name! Sprout... Your plantsnare looking great. Its amazing to see things grow, isnt it!? Im guessing.... Socks??

  6. Tes photos sont vraiment belles! Tu as le pouce vert ma chère ! Et pour la devinette, j'espère qu'on n'aura pas à la refaire au 3ème envoi! LoL! Et....merci de me citer!
