Thursday, January 17, 2013

Blogyversary... and a contest to celebrate!

It's been 4 years since I've started my blog!  Time went by so fast!  Oh, I don't post very often, but still, it is fun to update it with FOs and yarn, but mostly to read your comments!  Thank you to all of you who visit!

To celebrate it, I will continue the tradition: gift a pattern (up to $7) on Ravelry (you have to be a member).  Then, I will make an addition (same winner): a skein of yarn from my stash!  Yes, I have a stash!  Not for long, rest assured ;-)

Here is the yarn you can win along with a pattern (you don't have to choose a pattern that goes with it!):

It is Gaïa DK from Sephyra.  It's really pretty and would probably make a great hat or whatever your heart want it to be!

To participate, all you have to do is leave a comment at the end of this post. The question this year is: Do you have a blog and how old is it?  If you don't have a blog, it's ok too ;-)

You have to comment before midnight (EST) Wednesday night, January 23, 2013 to enter in the contest. There will be one random winner (for the pattern and the yarn)! I’ll announce the winner before Saturday, January 26, 2013.

Good luck everyone and thanks again for visiting!


  1. Congratulations on your Blogyversary. I love visiting your blog!

    I have a blog and it is almost 7 years old!

  2. I have a blog and it just recently turned three years old!

  3. I don't have a blog, but I've been reading them for quite a while. Congratulations on four years for yours!

  4. The yarn looks lovely and congrats on your blogiversary. I do have a blog and on march 1st it will be 5 years old...time flies. :-)

  5. Un año más... ¡Felicidades!

    Tengo un blog desde 2008, aunque no publico muy a menudo. ;-)

  6. Wow, 4 years! Congratulations! I can't believe I've had my blog for 7 years. Time sure does fly!
    I'd love to knit up a had with that lovely yarn!

  7. How nice! I have a blog and it is (.... hold on, I have to check), 4 years old!

  8. I just started a blog in September 2012 to chronicle my progress. It is alot of fun, kinda like an online sewing and knitting diary.

    Congrats on 4 years!

  9. I have a knitting blog that started at the end of 2007. After that many years, I still only have a handful of readers, but I keep it going anyway.

    Happy blogversary!

  10. Happy Bloggiversary Maryse! 4 years! Our blogs are almost birthday buddies.
    I have always enjoyed your blog and am glad it has continued.

  11. Happy happy bloggiversary! I just checked my blog and I started it on March 19 2008. Wow almost 6 years old! I had a personal blog before that, but I pulled the plug on it when I swapped to the new 'crafty' one.

  12. My blog'll be turning five this year. Happy bloggoversary!

  13. Happy Blogiversary! I'm ashamed to say that my first Blogiversary happened last September without me even noticing. I'll have to fix that, somehow!

  14. Way hey!! Blogiversary!! I have a blog... but I'm pretty sure you already know that ;) I began blogging in 2006 if you can believe.

  15. ¡Hola Maryse! Felicidades por tu 4º cumple-blog. Mi Blog es un poco más joven que el tuyo: tiene 3 años y algunos meses. Besos.

  16. Congratulations on your blog anniversary. I don't have a blog but I love reading them.

  17. Congrats! I have a blog and I think it's just over a year old.

  18. Congratulations on four years, Maryse! I have a blog (and I'm happy that you stop by to read it). My blog will be two years old in June.

  19. Bon bloguanniversaire chère Maryse!! C'est un beau vert ça!! Ça prend trop de place tout ce stash n'est-ce pas! lol!!!

  20. Congrats on four years!! Thats four years of beautiful work made by you. Thank you for sharing your wonderful stories with us. I have had my blog for a few years but only started to write more frequently the last year or so. But so glad for blogs! :) heres to another great four years!!!

  21. Congratulations on your anniversary. I had a blog for a few years ten years ago, on a rather specific topic, but I haven't posted there in several years. I keep thinking I'll start again with a new one, but I haven't gotten further than claiming the site. Someday.... Good for you for keeping going!

  22. happy blogiversary! i love seeing your plans, FOs - and of course, your yarn acquisitions!

    i started my blog 9 years ago this month! does that make me old? ;)

  23. Happy Blogiversary, 4 years, congratulations.
    I've been blogging since 2009 and just love it.
    I too am crazy for knitting. Hope to visit again soon.

  24. Congratulations on blogging for four years! That's definitely something to celebrate.

    I had to really stop and think how long I've been blogging. It will be four years for me in May. Times flies!

  25. 4 years already!

    My blog is a year old but it has not been updated in a long time.
