Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thermal is "almost" finished

Hello everyone! Last weekend, I spent at least 10 hours on my Thermal and it's almost finished. What a relief! It remains to be blocked and the buttons you see are only temporary as they are not exactly identical.

It does not really show on the picture, but if I want to be happy and wear that sweater often, I'll have to re-work the sleeves. I'm having a hard time taking a photo of myself that show that they are too big since it tends to bulk under my arm and does not really show unless I hold it. However, I'm used to wearing more adjusted sleeves and I think it looks better so I think I will undo them until were I think I should no longer increase and it should be just fine. I still don't want them to be tight (because I think that the body is so comfortable), but I'm sure I can remove 20-25 stitches per round above my elbow and it will be better.

I'll leave it as is for a few more days (while I finish my Bella's mittens!) and un-sew the sleeves if I still feel like it then!

This is why I wrote that Thermal is "almost" finished...

Hope you all have a good Sunday!


  1. Il est vraiment beau! Je ne peux pas croire que tu vas avoir le courage de défaire les manches...!
    Pour ton info, il y a une vente chez Fabricville, j'y arrive, j'ai acheté mes boutons pour mon cardi-cadeau à 40% de rabais.
    bon dimanche!

  2. I love this pattern. And yours is looking great. I understand about the sleeve predicament. Sometimes it is tricky to get the right fit in all the areas.

  3. i've always wanted to make thermal. your beautiful one just reminded me!

  4. ¡Qué punto tan bonito! Es precioso el jersey, no se nota lo de las mangas (aunque a mí también me gustan ajustadas, así que te entiendo).

  5. that's too bad that the sleeves aren't working out for you!! it's worth it to undo them and get it right, so you'll love wearing it. Looks great in the photo!

  6. Okay Maryse! Absolutely wonderful! I have been dying to see this. Worth the wait! :)

  7. This sweater is also on my to-do-list (it looks like we have similar colour preferences...i've got the same yarn in my stash :-) ) and now i'll pay extra attention to the sleeve measurements. But nevertheless: i think your thermal looks lovely!
