Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thermal surgery

I waited two weeks before undoing one sleeve of my Thermal to adjust it. The more I thought about it and the more I tried it on, the more I knew it was the right thing to do. I even looked forward to it!

So, this morning, I took the measurements from a few sweaters I have and removed and frogged one sleeve. Even frogging Thermal takes a lot of time...

So, the upper part of the sleeve was 6 inches and bulked under the arm. My usual comfortable sweater would measure about 4.75 inches, so I frogged to remove 12 stitches per round.

I was a bit surprised that it's only a difference of 12 stitches. I hope my calculations are good. However, trust me, this time I will try it on at least one million times. I will also sew it to the body before I redo the second sleeves...

Yes, that would be about 12 inches of waffle stitches undone...

In parallel to this and my Bella's mittens, I've also started knitting a gift. I will not elaborate because the recipient may read these lines. All I can say is that it's garter stitch and it's very addictive. Who would've thought!

Have a great Sunday!


  1. ¡El punto del Thermal es precioso! Harás bien en probártelo mil veces para ver cómo van las mangas, yo lo hago y me ahorra mucho trabajo.
    Que pases una feliz semana. :-)

  2. I know the feeling! Once I've decided to rip and redo I look forward to the process. It seems that making the decision is the hardest part!

    Good luck!

  3. I am telling you I am not really good at the whole tearing things out and fixing them. So this post made me a little woozy! :)
    Good for you that you rae able to do that. I too think the garter stitch is very addictive.
    Have a great week

  4. Way to take the fix on head on!

  5. It's amazing how relieving fixing something like sleeves can be with knitting.

    It's looking great so far!

  6. Suerte con tu "cirugia", espero que despues de hacerla se ajuste mas tu sweater.
    Como me he reido con el comment del pescado con ojos y todo!!!!!!!
