Saturday, June 30, 2012

Long summer weekend!

Mother Nature is really spoiling us this summer!  We had another wonderful day and it's the long weekend for Canada Day (last week was also a long weekend for Quebec Day)!  I worked outside around the house all afternoon.  Now, I feel tired, but tired good!  And I'm having a little glass of wine before dinner ;-)

On June 16th, I went to Tricotine et cie for the Knit in Public event!  It was fun!  We had sangria and cup cakes and a good time!  I got to wear my Damson!  I even spilled a little bit of sangria on it but thankfully, I was quick enough to dry it and it's fine!

Tricotine et cie is a new store in our area so every time I go (hum, well, it's the second time I go!), it's important that I buy a little something because it's really cool that they opened.  They have more and more different yarns now and they have some local products which is what I like to buy the most!

This time, I've bought a skein of Gaïa DK from Sephyra.  It is absolutely gorgeous!  I just don't know yet what I will make with it!  123 yards.  If you have any suggestions, let me know please!

I also started the cute Hedgerow socks with my latest Tanis (Year in Color 2012 - May 2012).  I think that they are the perfect summer knit!  Very light and the color reminds me of flower petals!  I hope they will be as pretty as Andi's!

I've also decided to do a test knit for Monique of Une maille à la fois for the Ravellenics 2012 (isn't it a cool name?)  Monique has some really nice designs to warm up our necks and shoulders ;-)  It's coming fast!  I will be on vacation during that period.  I will have to be super disciplined if I want to reach my goal and enjoy our short summer at the same time!

And you, will you participate to the Ravellenic Games 2012?  Have you decide what will be your challenge yet?

Have a great week!


  1. Bonito color el de tu nueva madeja de Gaïa DK!! A mí me parece perfecta para tejer gorros, del estilo de los de Stephen West. Buen Domingo!!

  2. I wanted to do kmitting in public! Cant believe all that drama with olympic and ravelry. Jeez!

  3. I wanted to say how lovely your Damson turned out! What a perfect color on you too.
    Yes, let us know how you fair in the Ravellenics :)

  4. Oh goodness your new yarn is gorgeous! Can't wait to see what you knit with it.
    Good luck with your Ravellenics.
    Your Hedgerows are beautiful already my friend!

  5. I would be spinning for the Tour De Fleece and knitting for the Ravel...(whatever they are calling it now) but I'll have a newborn and will probably be lucky to even look at my wheel or do more than a few rounds of knitting. But I'll gladly cheer you on!

  6. You have so much going on right now! I love that new yarn so much, ah and the socks! I pretty much just love this entire post!

  7. your hedgerows are gorgeous! great pairing of yarn and pattern.

  8. I'm glad your Damson is ok. It would be so sad if it had gotten stained.
