Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Ravellenics

Well, it takes a little bit of time to get used to the new name, doesn't it?  It sure requires a bit more explaining when you try to explain what you are getting ready for.  The Ravelympics kind of used to say half of it already ;-)

But, whatever the name is, aren't we just as excited?  I am!  This afternoon, I bought my yarn!  I love it!  Can't wait to start the project! It will be a test knit.  I should get the pattern in the next few days!

Here's the lovely yarn I bought:

It is the Silk Blend from Manos del Uruguay.  It is a light brown with pink and green hints!  I fell in love with it!

And you, what will you do?

Have a great weekend all!


  1. It is hard to say, takes some getting used to.
    Maryse...that yarn is incredible! I cannot wait to see the finished beauty!

  2. I'm happy that it is the Ravellenics rather than the Ravelry Games. It sounds much more exciting.

    And that yarn is really pretty. I love when there is just a hint of other colors blended into yarn.

  3. ça m'apparaît un fil magnifique, trop hâte de voir et toucher!

  4. Qué bien! Un test knit! Hace tiempo que me apetece hacer uno... sólo me falta encontrar la propuesta que me entusiasme! Estoy deseando conocer los detalles de tu proyecto. Besos.

  5. I knit with this yarn recently and it is lovely! Gorgeous color - looking forward to seeing what it will become.

  6. Great yarn choice! It looks so pretty. I'm not doing any official Ravellenic projects, but I have challenged myself to work on Christmas presents (one is almost finished!) and a Rocky Coast cardigan for myself.

  7. Beautiful yarn! Can't wait to see what you come up with.
