Saturday, April 18, 2009

IK and Knit.1 on May 5!

It's always exciting when previews from your favorite magazines become available!

Here are my favorites (at first glance)...

IK Treillis and Keyhole Tank

IK Spidery Tank

Knit.1 tank (no names yet)

Among them, I would most likely knit Spidery Tank. We'll see ;-) Have a great weekend!


vanessa said...

wow! these look awesome. I really like the spidery tank! thanks for the preview!

Knittymuggins said...

Oooh, I hadn't seen these yet. Thanks for sharing! I like that last sweater too :)


birana said...

Interesting preview ;)Love the spider one ;)

Team Knit said...

I've been loving the previews!! summer knitting is always a bit of a challenge, but looks liek the knit mags are giving some cute projects!

- Julie

Chantal Boucher said...

Allo Maryse,
J'étais trop fatiguée pour aller au tricot Rive-Nord - je me reprends dans 2 semaines.
Les projets d'été sont emballants, donne le goût d'aller faire un tour à l'Effiloché n'est-ce pas?... Mais en même temps, le comptable vient de m'annoncer combien je dois à l'impôt... ouf! Le prochain projet va être en laine Wal-Mart je pense!!