Saturday, March 20, 2010

Weaving in ends

I finished knitting the Striped Baby Sweater I started before the Ravelympics.

Right now, I'm weaving in ends. I found this article. I did not know that technique. It's perfect for this little sweater that has so many yarn tails...

I will most probably finish later tonight. Then, I will wash it and let it dry. Hopefully, I will have more pictures tomorrow!

It's sunny outside! Snow continues to melt! Have a great weekend!


Chantal Boucher said...

Il est vraiment superbe. Trop hâte de le voir sur le bébé!!

Knitterella said...

Looks like a cute knit. Looking forward to photos!

Suvi said...

Looks wonderful! :)

birana said...

Mignon comme tout! J'adore les rayures dans les trucs pour enfants! bonne chance dans l'étape la plus plate(a mon avis) mais plus que necessaire ;)

a friend to knit with said...

okay.. i love that you pointed out that article. i do it similar... but not so perfect. next time i will try!

love the colors of the sweater. look forward to seeing it finished!

Lolita Blahnik said...

I will take a look to this link, hate weaving allthese tails!!!!!

Philigry said...

this is great! love the colors!