First, I have something to give away. I've always thought that if I reach 50 followers on my blog, I would give a skein of yarn to one of you. Then, I've reached 50 and above but since I almost never update my blog now or write really short posts, it is dropping, hi hi :) So, before it goes under 50, I thought I would hurry up and go ahead :)

I'd like to give away the extra skein of yarn that I haven't used to knit the Baby Chalice Blanket (see details on this project page). It is nice to knit with, soft and warm! Would you like to try it? If so, all you need to do is leave a comment on this post before March 4th, 2016 at 23:59 EST! I will draw the winner with a random number generator and post the winner here. In the comment, you could tell me what you would like to knit with it.
Also, I wanted to show you my progress on my sister's socks! It is fun to knit. I really like Biscotte & Cie self-stripping yarns. The pattern is the Hedgerow Socks. This is the second pair that I knit. I was not sure if the pattern would go well with stripes but I think it actually do!
It is a pleasure to knit them. The proof is that they are knitting up pretty quickly. I hope you are also enjoying what you currently have on your needles!
A very good week to all of you!
How fun! And congrats on 50+ ;)
What pattern to make? Probably either the Sand Bank hat by Justyna Lorkowska or the Traveling Cable Hat by Purl Soho. I think either would allow the yarn to shine.
Still in love with the blanket you knit. And the sock pattern looks great with self striping yarn!
¡Felicidades por los 50 seguidores! Ojalá el año que viene sean muchos más. :-)
Tejería un cuello (cowl) con calados como tu manta. Creo que es la lana ideal para eso porque la fibra es muy caliente. Tengo un gorro peruano de llama en tonos grises y blancos, sería el complemento perfecto.
Me gustan los calcetines a rayas para tu hermana, el color es muy alegre. Siempre te dejo comentarios en castellano, ¡espero que no te importe!
I love reading your blog so thank you for offering the giveaway.
Merci! I think I would make a cowl!
dominique69 on ravelry
Ooh, llama wool. That would be great fun to try ☺️
I would make something for my newborn son, not exactly what but it would be for him. I love seeing him in hand knits!
your chalice baby blanket is so lovely. the yarn looks to be a delight to knit with.
love the hats you have been knitting for 25,000 togues. I have a few baby hats tucked away maybe now is the time to dig them out of the drawer ; )
Congratulations on your readership! I think with blogging it doesn't matter so much how often you post but rather that you post consistently so readers get used to a rhythm. Like I know what I'm talking about lol The baby blanket looks incredibly cuddly and warm :)
Yummy yarns! Sign me up! Also, I envy your skill at sock knitting. Beyond basic knit and purl still leaves me on edge. -Sheri
Yay for 50 followers, love.
Despite not blogged as much, your posts are always wonderful! Besides being a mama is busy work, I don't know how you all do it. :)
That yarn is beautiful!
Gorgeous yarn! I would probably knit a cowl with it.
Congratulations on 50 followers!
I bet there are more than 50 of us following! Congrats!
I would make something sweet for a soon to arrive baby,
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