Sunday, April 18, 2010


I woke up yesterday with a mild sore throat, so I decided that I would relax all weekend to ensure that I will be fine for this week.

That means that my little shawlette is coming along really well. I've almost completed the main lace part - although every row gets longer and longer.

After this post, I'll write up the rest of the pattern because I'm not yet ready to knit a lace project only by looking at a chart. I still prefer text instructions!

Then, as strange as it may sound, I've opted for Bella's mittens for my next project. I've bought the yarn Friday at Mouliné on my way to having dinner with friends!

What's best than buying new yarn ? Hum, I guess it would be looking at it, touching it, looking at it again, casting on, etc. ;-)

Have a great Sunday everyone!


Chantal Boucher said...

Hé, mais ça avance le châle. J'adore la couleur!
Puis pour les mitaines de Bella, t'as tout ton temps!! En "avril ne te découvre pas d'un fil" est presque fini!!
Soigne toi bien et bon début de semaine!

~RaenWa~ said...

I throat is feeling better now. I love the color yarn you are using. Charts freak me out lol I know I need to learn to read them but I guess I get intimidated by them.

I think I need to find a small project with a chart & go from there.

The yarn you chose for your Bella mittens looks so soft.

vanessa said...

hope you're feeling better. a little rowan cocoon will always do the trick! looks like you have some fun projects to work on while you relax.

Sophie said...

Looking good on your shawl...and I do undestand about mittens. I am currently knitting a pair of Bird in Hand and just knit a beret too, lol !

Knitting Out Loud said...

Those mittens look like they'll be a great project!

Lolita Blahnik said...

Espero que estes mejor de la garganta.
Yo prefiero charts a instrucciones escritas.
Genial el Rowan Cocoon para los bella's mittens, me encanta el patron, da gusto tejerlo ;)

birana said...

Je tricote en cocoon presentement et j'adoooooooore ce fil et ca va faire de magnifiques mitaines ;)